Discussing "Sola Scriptura" with Ex-Fundamentalist/Evangelical Christian Atheists

Unlike evangelicals, orthodox Lutherans (as do all orthodox Churches) would question the “literal” interpretation of a passage of Scripture whose “literal” meaning was never once mentioned in the writings of the Early Church Fathers.

For instance the Rapture. Certain passages of Scripture certainly sound as if they support a sudden, secret taking up of living believers into the air to meet Christ, but there is zero evidence in the writings of not only the Early Church but of ANY ONE in the Church until the Plymouth Brethren in England preached this interpretation in the 1830′s .

So to orthodox Christians, even to Lutherans who’s founder made famous the statement “sola Scriptura”, we would not accept the literal interpretation of a passage as “Gospel” unless it had support in the writings of the Church Fathers. When Luther and his followers proclaimed “Sola Scriptura” to the world in the 1500′s, they did not mean, “Toss out the writings of the ‘Catholic’ church fathers, we will only accept OUR current fifteenth century, western-European, UNDERSTANDING of the literal interpretation of the Bible as our sole authority for Christian doctrine.

Again, to Luther and to orthodox Lutherans today, the Bible is the final authority, over and above Popes, Councils, Church Fathers, AND contemporary, individual interpretation. However, the literal interpretation often cannot be understood without cultural, literary, and social context…and we can primarily only obtain this context from contemporaneous writings.

Again, I must emphasize the critical difference between orthodox Christians and evangelicals: the foundation of an evangelical Christian’s faith is the inerrancy of the Bible. This is because Jesus and how he agrees with THEIR doctrine of salvation can ONLY be found in the Bible. In my experience, the overwhelming majority of evangelicals will not allow an appeal to extra-biblical texts as having any authority in helping us to understand the meaning of a passage of Scripture. The Bible for these Christians is the ONLY authority to establish Christian doctrine, so therefore the ultimate authority on the meaning of Scripture is…the individual evangelical reading the text.

Just to be clear, I and many other orthodox Lutherans, divide Christianity along these lines:

1. Roman Catholic
2. Eastern Orthodox
3. orthodox Lutherans
4. conservative Reformed (we include most Baptists and evangelicals in this group)
5. Liberal Protestants (includes liberal Lutherans, Presbyterians, etc.)

5 thoughts on “Discussing "Sola Scriptura" with Ex-Fundamentalist/Evangelical Christian Atheists

  1. Dear Bro. Gary: Good post. I heard one of my professors years ago designate the average evangelical view of scripture's authority as “solo scriptura”, citing exactly what you just pointed out. Your taxonomic listing of Christianity I would says is a pretty good one.


  2. I agree to the fullest extent on the teaching of scripture alone, but am curious regarding your definition of Liberal Protestants.


  3. My definition of a “liberal Protestant” would be any Protestant Christian who does not hold to the core doctrines of the Christian faith as stated in the Three Great Creeds.

    Such as denying the Virgin Birth.
    Denying that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are the one and only true God.
    That there are multiple paths to God, Jesus is only one of them: Universalism


  4. Hi Gary, Abby here.

    Hopefully these links will come through for you here.


    I found these specifically on the resurrection, if you might like to look at them.

    The Great Resurrection Debate William Lane Craig vs John Shelby Spong

    Lee Strobel The Case for the Resurrection

    William Lane Craig Resurrection

    The Son Rises The Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus William Lane Craig

    The Resurrection took my from atheist to apologist Lee Strobel


  5. Thank you for these references, Abby.

    I watched the first one last night. The flowery, mumbo-jumbo, double-talk of the liberal Episcopalians is just mind-blowing. They say a lot of words but in reality say absolutely nothing.

    “The Resurrection was an earth-shattering event, but it didn't happen…literally.”



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